Big Brothers Big Sisters (and little siblings) at Wytham Woods

Oxford people may have heard of Oxford Hub. I’m just learning about them, and they seem just brilliant. They “run volunteering programmes and collaborative projects that support people to thrive, participate in their community, and bring about systemic change”.

Today I found out more about their Big Brothers Big Sisters Programme which “matches volunteer mentors with local children aged 7-11. The mentor and young person spend time together once a week, going on trips, helping them with homework or doing fun activities together. The programme creates long term mentoring and friendships that support children to thrive in life. These positive relationships have a lasting influence on young people's lives, boosting their self-esteem and helping them to achieve their goals”.

Today 5 pairs of “siblings” came to Wytham for a ramble around the Woods, looking at the bluebells and other flowers, and enjoying the warm sunshine and fresh green of the spring leaves. The kids were fantastic (I do always say that - and it’s always true), and it was so interesting talking to the adult mentors who have committed to this relationship. There was a huge amount of warmth and fun; both adults and children were clearly getting a huge amount out of the programme.

In that special way that Wytham has of healing and enriching, the Woods did their magic. We mooched around green lanes, found yellow flowers, blue flowers, and the occasional pink flower. We ran races in the Dell, found butterflies, and lay in the sun to eat our lunch.

Wytham had a special treat for us today. A grand piano, temporarily abandoned amongst the bluebells, had been discovered by a passing walker. She was playing it, beautifully, as we passed by. We were all transfixed and delighted. A special moment to remember.