An ecology garden at The Cherwell School

Thanks to a £5000 grant from the local Community Infrastructure Levy fund, Wytham Woods has been able to help local schools with planting projects in their school grounds. We are currently working with The Cherwell School, on both of their adjacent sites, and one of their feeder schools, Cutteslowe Primary.

At Cherwell we have worked with the amazing Mr Cappleman who has led / supported students through many eco-initatives over the years, and his current group of wonderful 6th formers who devised the project and got the backing of the Head Teacher for it, by articulating their case and creating a fantastic tech presentation of their vision.

So far there have been two main phases to the planting. Firstly, in January 2023, with a group of around 30 enthusiastic year 7s joined the 6th form group and planted around 600 hedge plants along a fence on South Site. The purpose was to hide the less than beautiful new fence which had to be installed where there had been no fence before. And to provide wildlife habitat, extending the adjacent hedgerows.

A frosting start to hedge planting.

Crowd planting

It was an amazing team effort. The year 7s worked so hard - staying on all afternoon and planting a whole new stretch we hadn’t originally intended for that day. It was nice to overhear chat between the year groups: I heard some of the year 7s ask one of the 6th formers what GCSEs are like and how to choose them. At lunchtime a small group of year 12 volunteers from St Edwards’ school with whom Wytham are doing a separate project, came to help. Some of the year 7s showed them what to do. And one of my favourite moments was seeing the year 7s cleaning the spades - all their own initiative.

Extending the hedge, and litter picking.

St Edward’s students turn up to help.

Year 7 cleans the spades.

Towards the end of the day the 6th formers took the remaining plants and created a new hedge in their own 6th form garden on North Site, to shield future students from the road beyond. This group of students is remarkable. They have done this project in the midst of revision, exams, university interviews and the rest of their busy lives. It has been a privilege to get to know them a little through this project. They are leaving a wonderful gift for their school in this new planting.

At the beginning of April 2023 the plants are starting to bud.

Twilight power planting on North Site by the 6th formers with Mr C.

End of a long day’s planting.

Phase 2 was tree planting on North Site. Over a couple of after school sessions we planted about 22 trees - silver birch, rowan, and small leaved lime. The planters this time were year 8s and 9s, once again ably managed by the 6th formers. Some of the trees were pot grown which were fairly easy to plant, but some were bareroot requiring bigger holes which was hard work.

The purpose of the tree planting was to give future students somewhere green and shady to spend their break time. In a future hotter world this will be vital, if the trees can survive that hotter world. We were also hoping to add to the habitat on site for wildlife, and to provide continuity from adjacent green spaces beyond the school boundary.

We are now planning our next habitat enhancements at Cherwell. With the new GCSE in Natural History on the horizon and a growing awareness of the importance of green spaces for mental and physical health, we hope this is just the beginning.